Rollout Strategies

Choose The Strategy That's Right For Your Organization

When utilizing an online payment system to make clinical research and study related payments, it's important to consider the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the individuals being compensated along with the environment and geographic location in which they reside. These factors should be evaluated and weighed against the goals and objectives of your organization to determine the most appropriate rollout strategy for your new payment system.

Keep in mind that the most important aspect of implementing any new payment method is the way in which it is communicated to managers and employees as well as the patients or study participants being compensated. As a result, we will provide you with helpful communication materials to create excitement and explain how the new card program works.

Compulsory Program

With a compulsory program, all research participants (new and existing) receive a reloadable prepaid card and are informed that all of their future clinical trial payments will be deposited electronically onto their card. This approach ensures 100% adoption of the card and one single payment method to manage. With this or any approach below, it is important to establish open communication channels during the transition and on an ongoing basis to address any questions or concerns as they arise.

Condition of Enrollment Program

With a condition of enrollment program, all new research participants consent to receiving their compensation onto a reloadable prepaid card as a condition of their enrollment into the new study. All research participants in existing studies continue to receive their pay in the manner previously employed. While this approach will achieve 100% adoption over time, it is a phased approach which will require your organization to manage multiple payment methods until all legacy research participants have completed the study.

Opt-Out Program

With an opt-out program, all research participants are informed they will receive their compensation onto a reloadable prepaid card. Research participants can, however, opt-out to receive their compensation in the form of a check, cash or any other payment vehicle offered by your organization. This approach will convert a majority of research participants to cardholders while providing a choice in payment options. However, as with the condition of enrollment approach, this method will require your organization to manage more than one payment method.

Opt-In Program

With an opt-in program, all research participants continue to be paid in the same manner when your card program is introduced. Research participants can then voluntarily elect to be paid onto a reloadable prepaid card. This approach often results in the fewest number of research participants converting to cardholders and requires your organization to manage more than one payment method.